Health & Safety

You are heading to a desert island and you can take no more than 5 items. What are you taking with you? and why? 

  • Water- Humans can survive without much food in their body, but cannot survive any longer day without water.
  • Medical Kit- To treat any injuries or harms that we are prone to.
  • Firestarter- Bringing a firestarter has a lot of things that will help us such as reheating our foods, preventing hyperthermia/hypothermia, and emergency signaling.
  • Emergency Cards- Being in a desert means we are much more likely to be prone to any dangers that surround the place. Carrying an emergency card can be a potentially life-saving precaution.
  • Knife-Knife is one of the things that will surely be helpful for us. A knife can be flexible in many ways as it can be our firestarter, cutting equipment, self-defense, medical and self-defense uses, and for signalization just in case.

Explain in your own words what Health and Safety looks like in our food room. 

There were heaps of health and safety protocols in our food room that helps us prevent, and assess hazards. The first thing that we do before entering the kitchen is, we tie our hair neatly and remove our pieces of jewelry and our school jackets. This is to prevent the spread of bacteria to our food, especially if it is unwrapped or we’re still cooking it. After doing this thing, our teachers/instructors will discuss or assess the protocols about hazards that we are prone to and how do we prevent such things as washing and drying hands thoroughly, handling a knife and hot dishes in a proper way, wiping and cleaning the table that we are going to occupy, using the right colour of cutting boards to avoid cross contamination, and many more.

Why is it important, How can this impact us from a personal level/ community level? 

Health and Safety is important to ensure the safety and promotion of wellbeing not only for our self but also for our community. As it mount its impact, this will hugely benefit our physical and mental well-being, environment protection and for our economic stability.

Name for me 3 high-risk foods we have

  • Eggs or any dairy products
  • Meats
  • Cooked Rice

In the last 2 practicals, How do we store them to ensure they are safe to eat. 

  • Egg or any dairy products-  we store the eggs or any dairy products in their original carton in the refrigerator, and we avoid leaving it in a very low temperature places.
  • Meats- We store the meats in a very cold place or in the freezer of the refrigerator to avoid cross contamination with the other foods. We thaw frozen meats in the refrigerator, microwave, or cold water, never at room temperature as it can risk bacterial growth.
  • Cooked Rice- We put the cooked rice in an very shallow containers and then refrigerate it after.

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