Wind Racer

Today we were tasked to make a wind racer and do an experiment about it.

Aim: What is the point of this experiment?

To build a wind racer that can be blown as far as possible with a leaf blower, and also to prove and see the relationship between forces, motion, and aerodynamics. Through this experiment, we will know how forces, motion, and aerodynamics can be applied to an object.

Equipment to build a wind racer: Cardboard, Paper, Tape, String, Popsicle sticks, and Race Trolley


The video shows how can we build a wind racer and how would it work.


  • The design that we took as an idea and the questions about the ‘Wind Racer’:

1.Why does your wind racer look like this? 

The design of our wind racer is inspired by the famous boat festival in the Philippines called the “Vinta Festival” 

2.How do the forces act on the trolley? 

If the leaf blower is on the back of the trolley it will move forward and push the trolley far away from the starting point. But it depends on the size of the wings or sail of the trolley or it depends on how you make the wings of the trolley, which makes the trolley fast.

3.What choices did you make during the design process?

We change our design based on some examples we saw on the internet like the sail, we come up with different shapes while considering how our wind racer will go with that certain shape.

  • A cool story about the Wind Racers that my peers and I built

At first, we were scared cause we were having “what if” thoughts about our design and the size of the sail of our wind racer but the day that were having the race, our wind racer always goes in the opposite direction because of the wind so we have to get 3 chances. After that 3 chances, thankfully our wind racer managed to win first place, but just for a minute because our classmates wants to have a second chance too and one of the groups won first place, but it’s fine because we got a bag of Fruit burst because we won the “Most good-looking wind racer”.


Helicopter Experiment (Science)


The other day in our science class, we did a little experiment called “Helicopter Experiment” where you’re going to do a helicopter using different wing-sized paper and a paper clip. In the experiment, you’re going to time how many seconds each helicopter hit the surface ground. In our experiment, we used 3cm, 4cm, 5cm, and 6cm wing-sized helicopters.


  • Which helicopter took the longest to fall?

The helicopter that took the longest fall to hit the surface area is the 6cm wing size by Group 4.

  • Why do you think that is?

It’s because of the wing size that supports the weight and mass of the helicopter that makes the helicopter took the longest fall. Aerodynamics also takes part in the fall because the force exerted on the body by the air in which the body is immersed, and is due to the relative motion between the body and the air.

Conclusion: Did it work? Would you do anything differently?

Yes It worked. No, I’m not going to do anything differently because the wing size of the helicopter will always be the main support/reason of how much time will the helicopter hit the surface area of the ground.







Relationships (ESOL- Relationships)

Last week we were tasked by our ESOL teacher to discuss the relationships of the characters in “Unwind” with our peers.

The questions were:

How are the characters connected? We all have the same opinion. 

-For me, they are the teens that hold the same grudge in their justice system, and they’re also one of the teens that are being offered religious tithing.

-For my peer (Grace), Connor, Risa, and Lev are all being unwound, but because of their resistance being unwound, they all work together. The first one to escape was Connor who saw Risa and also helped her escape and the last one was Lev. Lev was disappointed to have escaped because he accepted himself being unwound because it was a religious belief for their family. However, they abduct Lev and have to watch him every day to be cautious because there is a big chance that he will betray Connor and Risa. 

-For my peer (Vian), The characters are all about to be unwound.

How do they behave towards each other? Is it positive or negative? We have different opinions, and I respect their opinions. 

-For me, it’s positive because as they share their beliefs and grudges in their system with each other, and after learning their life stories their bond strengthens. They feel connected to each other as they feel the empathy and sense of responsibility to stand up in their battle to fight the system.  

-For my peer (Grace), it was still a love and hate relationship between them which made them stay cautious of each other. They also have no single trust on someone they were with, which is Lev, unlike Connor and Risa who has little trust on each other, it was different with Lev since he opposed them running away because he believes that it was part of his religious tithing. They also have to tie him since there will be a chance of him running off and all of them will be caught. 

-For my peer (Vian), I would say that their relationship is positive. They might not notice it right now in their situation but they mostly are alike and that would make them even more closer to each other if they were aware. They do not trust each other at first and they keep on disagreeing about things they should do but as they spend more time together, they slowly grow their relationship with one another.

What events or actions have had an impact on this relationship? My peers and I doesn’t have the same description but at some point we all agrees about our description.  

-For me, as Connor, Risa, and Lev navigate their way through a dangerous journey they encounter a movement called “Graveyard” , a hidden refugee that’s full of unwound teenagers who are fighting for their life, like Connor, Risa, and Lev. 

-For my peer (Grace), it was when Connor reaches out to touch her hair, and gently says, “I don’t think you could ever pass for a guy-” Then suddenly, he finds his hand tucked behind him, his whole body spins around, and she painfully wrenches his arm up the small of his back. It hurts so much, he can’t even say “Ouch.” This was when Risa talks about disguising as an opposite gender of themselves. Connor made an impulsive thought of touching Risa’s hair and made Risa alert and hurt his hand.

-For my peer (Vian),their communication with each other brought a lot of impact in their relationship. The way they can say what the other one was about to do is extremely important and that brings them closer to each other than ever before. 

Are there any conflicts between characters? We all agrees that there’s conflicts in their relationship.

-For me, yes, their relationship to each other has a conflict but as they work out together and fight for their life together they learn how to trust and respect each other.

-For my peer (Grace), yes, it was when Risa was offering Connor a better way than stealing, she pretends to be collecting clothes and food for their school and would give it to the homeless. Connor agreed with Risa that this was better but Lev said that scamming people is stealing which made Risa uncomfortable but didn’t show it. 

-For my peer (Vian), There are a lot of conflicts that happened between the characters and most of them happened between Risa and Connor.


Character description (Unwind)

Connor Lassiter is one of the teens that decided to unwind after finding out about his parent’s secrets. Connor Lassiter is also one of the teens that were rejected by their own family, especially his own parents, he always tries his best to make them love and accept him, but finding out that he was being offered a religious tithing can’t stand his guts that makes him rebellious and self-centered. After finding out his parent’s dirty secret he decided to unwind and escape his fate that was made by his own parents.  Connor is always a smart kid but the thought of being unwound makes his world collapse and make decisions that he thinks are best for him.

Connor’s determination and resourcefulness play a significant role in his survival and his efforts to escape his fate. Throughout his journey, he demonstrates his adaptability and capabilities often finding creative solutions to the challenges he faces. As the story continues, Connor learns an important lesson and goes into character development that broadens his beliefs about how poor their justice system is. 

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